We don't want to admit it but its ALMOST CHRISTMAS!
Today I thought I'd make a little post to help everyone get into the mood.
What is it that gets your babies in the mood for the holiday?
For my kiddos it has always been getting their letter form good ol Santa! There is nothing more exciting to my girls then getting their letter from the big man telling them things that only a mother could know :) Well to them this little letter makes them see that Santa is always watching and he really does know what they've been getting into!
It is just the feeling ever for them. The best pre-holiday gift is getting personalized letters from Santa to your kids is.

So where do i get mine from? www.SantaLetters.org
You could make your own of course or have a relative send one but this saves all the work and the hasstle and they are so simple to do! And best of all
10% of all profits from the letters goes to Toys for Tots!!
You can read more about the Toys for Tots info: https://santaletters.org/toys-for-tots
Today I thought I'd make a little post to help everyone get into the mood.
What is it that gets your babies in the mood for the holiday?
For my kiddos it has always been getting their letter form good ol Santa! There is nothing more exciting to my girls then getting their letter from the big man telling them things that only a mother could know :) Well to them this little letter makes them see that Santa is always watching and he really does know what they've been getting into!
It is just the feeling ever for them. The best pre-holiday gift is getting personalized letters from Santa to your kids is.

So where do i get mine from? www.SantaLetters.org
You could make your own of course or have a relative send one but this saves all the work and the hasstle and they are so simple to do! And best of all
10% of all profits from the letters goes to Toys for Tots!!
You can read more about the Toys for Tots info: https://santaletters.org/toys-for-tots