
Friday, November 13, 2020

How Can a Stay-At-Home Mom Manage Stress?


How Can a Stay-At-Home Mom Manage Stress?

It's a common misconception that stay-at-home parent have it easy at home, but reality is contradictory. Being at home is challenging and frustrating. Lots of work to do, errands to run- to make life perfect for husband and kids and at the same time be worthy in your eyes at the end of the day. A housewife's life is full of unexpected schedule changes. Three ways to reduce stress and unnecessary freaking out:

Plan: Life for a homemaker is all about meeting everyone else's time schedule. It is imperative in such a case to atleast plan meals for 2-3 days in advance. This helps to stock up on grocery items and early preparation if necessary. Planning and stocking up in advance is also very important because sudden issues pop up anytime at home with any member - unexpected appointment, tests, sickness or sudden guests. Planning in advance saves precious time and preserves sanity at the same time reflects at your efficiency. If you are efficient then that reduces most stress.

Take a Break: For a home-maker stress doesn't come from working all day, or looking after everybody's needs, Stress builds by not taking 'Me Time'. Respect yourself, make sure to unwind from daily chores for at least 1-2 hours a day. Everything else can wait. Take up a class, yoga session, long walk, get a massage, read a book, read news-keep yourself updated or simple sit peacefully and meditate. Spending time on social media (Facebook, Instagram etc) leads to gossip and it doesn't allow complete mental break. Do not get attached to Soap operas, they are absolutely useless and make you dull and boring old scheming woman. Take up a short online hobby course instead or learn something from videos posted on you-tube. Set aside time for self-introspection. Cutting off mentally and physically from everyday chores can be rejuvenating for a home-maker.

Set Priorities: Learn to say 'NO'. There are times when there are unexpected and unwanted guests or demands from family. It okay to say 'No" when you feel it is difficult for you. It's important to be happy within, only then you can meet everyone's pressing schedules. People respect you if your priorities are set. Experience tells me that people walk over you if allow them. Be firm, albeit in a subtle way.

There are two ways of doing things-a good and kind way and another is rude and angry way. The way you choose to react, reflects your character and builds your image. After all its about maintaining peace within yourself, so don't do things that u may regret at the end of the day. Be true to yourself. It is very satisfying to see your family happy and comfortable, but don't forget that you are the oil that keeps the family machine running - so nurture yourself!

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